Travel by car

Please note - the holiday flat is located at a legally limited street, which your navigational system usually marks with a hint. Ignore it and you will be fine, because as guest of our flat your are allowed to drive the street. Please use the parking lot north of our villa. Plan your trip by using google maps:here

Travel by bicycle

Very simple. Please follow the Weser-Biycle-Track along the River and switch to the island at Hamelns "Pfortmühle" by using the blue pedestrian bridge. Follow the small road / track and you will be just in front of the villa a few minutes later. Leave your bicycle at the parking lot north of the villa.
Information about the Weser-Biycle-Track is available in german: here


Travel by plane

Very interesting for visitors of the international trade fairs in Hannover such as CeBIT, Hannover Messe, IAA, CeMAT, INFA, etc.
Hameln is directly connected to the international Hannover airport (HAJ). You do not even have to switch the train, if you travel to Hameln from the airport. The newly renovated station of Hameln greets you. Take a taxicab from the station to the Inselstrasse 3. It will only take 5 minutes to get to the flat.
Information about Hannover airport  here


Travel by train

The modern station of Hameln greets you. The building has been visited by Kaiser Wilhelm during the early 1900s. The renovation was done until 2005 und glows today as a modern und comfortable station in the pied piper town.
read more

The easiest way to get to the flat is by taking a taxi, they are located just outside the station. It only takes a 5 minute drive to get to Inselstrasse 3. If you prefer to walk - no problem. It will take about 30 minutes and you will see a bright part of the historical town. You can also drive by bus, which starts right outside the station. Please stop at ZOH, the walk from there to the villa only takes 5 minutes or less.


